How Trans Ideology Captured the SNP
The transgender project to subvert the SNP began years before Nicola Sturgeon became leader. Its success depended on a formula the gender identity mafia have honed across the world.
When did the Scottish National Party slip from its moorings and head out into the wide and unknown waters of a gender identity obsession?
Talk to SNP members and most will point to January 2021 when the siren calls of trans rights activists overwhelmed what was left of Nicola Sturgeon’s rational mind.
That was when she reacted to discussions within the party about her Gender Self-ID plans by recording a video in what looked like a broom cupboard.
The trigger for her bizarre performance was the resignation from the party of a handful of young trans rights activists (known collectively to you and me as pink-haired weirdos) who were enraged by feminists daring to ask questions about women’s safety. The bigots.
Instead of welcoming the exit of this group of people so unhinged they could double as sliding doors, Sturgeon keened for the ages as she declared,
“It grieves me deeply that you have reached this conclusion because you consider at this stage the SNP not to be a safe, tolerant or welcoming place for trans people….that is not acceptable to me.'
This broom cupboard drama marked the moment of No Return for both Sturgeon and the SNP. From then on anyone who pointed out the contradictions or unsolved questions inherent in the party’s Self ID policy would be labelled as indistinguishable from a racist or a homophobe. Even if, like Allison Bailey, you happen to be a black lesbian.
It’s a mistake though to assume the prioritising of trans rights by the SNP was due to Sturgeon alone. The subversion of her party by the LGBTQ+ mafia was well underway before she took over its leadership in November 2014. This success depended on a classic formula the lobby has used across the Western world. It was the SNP’s tragedy that the party was the lobby’s almost perfect mark.
The most important thing hustlers require from the person they are hustling is his or her ignorance. A mark must not guess they are being played. I think it was Jack Welch who quipped that if you’re in a corporate meeting and you look round the table and don’t know who the sucker is…then it’s you.
Alex Salmond didn’t know he was the LGBT+ lobby’s sucker. He now bemoans the identitarian capture of the SNP yet it’s not hard to find evidence of him unwittingly enabling the nascent extremism of the gender identity goons.
Here he is lending support to Pride House during the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow in 2014.
We were told at the time by the Scottish government that Pride House “sends a clear message in support of LGBTI Equality, and what the nation stands for.” What clear message was that then? If Salmond and the people around him had bothered to ask questions they might have detected a message that was neither clear nor welcome.
Pride House was the government-funded initiative of a sports-focused LGBT+ charity called LEAP and the Equality Network, Scotland’s main LGBT+ lobby group which grew out of the Scottish Homosexual Rights Group founded by Ian Dunn who also just happened to have founded the Paedophile Information Exchange (no comment).
Salmond, like so many smart people, just thought he was doing the right thing. Yet it’s not as if there wasn’t evidence of that menagerie of bullying misogynists we would come to know and loathe. The closing ceremony party, for example, was led by a woman-face drag queen, Nancy Clench (aka Nathan Sparling), whose “own special brand of comedy” involved jokes about fist fucking and sticking a wellington boot up a vagina.
In 2022 after his trial for sexual offences including taking photographs of a naked man without his consent the judge accused Sparling of reprehensible conduct. He is currently awaiting trial charged with embezzlement. The oldest HIV charity in Scotland went bust while he was its CEO.
Those who worked with Sparling in years past, like SNP Deputy Leader Angus Robertson (whose campaign he ran) will no doubt point out that no-one could have guessed how dodgy Sparling would allegedly seem to be. Apart that is from his digusting and misogynistic drag show. As well as both the title and content of his 2014 Edinburgh Festival show, ‘Down Right Dirty’.
One review quoted his jokes about people putting feet in each other. What the hell is he talking about?
It wasn’t just the people in the LGBT+ lobby that were beginning to seem a bit creepy back then before Sturgeon became leader. There were also the policies. By the time Salmond stood proudly at the Pride House photo opp both of its organisers, LEAP and the Equality Network, were already arguing for what they called “trans inclusive sports”, otherwise known as access to women’s single sex spaces by …men who say they are women.
In 2012, two years before the Commonwealth Games, Equality Network published ‘Out for Sport’ one of those “surveys” beloved of the LGBTQ+ lobby which consists of asking leading questions to mates and random people who are half-pissed at a Pride event and then quoting anything they (allegedly) say that mysteriously supports your agenda.
And so Out for Sport bemoaned the oppression of … “gendered changing rooms” which were characterised as one of the “obvious barriers to transgender people”.
To back this up the survey quoted “a few” people who “mentioned the fact that a strict adherence to …separating males and females in sporting competitions ….represented particular challenges.”
To this idiocy Salmond and the SNP should have replied with one word…. “Cope!” They were however busy funding these numbskulls and had publicly committed to taking seriously whatever lunacy they cooked up in their meth-lab, so that might have seemed rather contradictory.
The point is that by 2014 when the failed Referendum on Independence triggered Salmond’s great sayonara the capture of the SNP and the Scottish government was in full-swing. Take the other organisation which hosted Pride House in 2014, LEAP. It too was on the warpath regarding so-called trans inclusion in sports.
Two months before the Commonwealth Games it published a statement on its website advocating radical change and citing a meeting by an Olympic Committee which had blithely recommended “transsexual people be eligible for female or male competition (as relevant)”.
The irony is that LEAP’s statement was illustrated with images of what it clearly considered its …err….poster “girl”, the MMA fighter Fallon Fox.
Isn’t it revealing how stereotypically “feminine” the LEAP statement attempts to make him look? Fox would later be criticised for failing to reveal that he was male in two fights with women. He also fractured a female opponent’s jaw.
Wonder why LEAP didn’t use this more accurate picture?
As the Independence Referendum loomed in September 2014, it’s clear then almost no one in the SNP administration was aware of the implications of the policies it was unwittingly supporting ….from organisations it was lavishing money on. The entire party adopted the stance that the LGBT+ lobby could be trusted and shared its central assumption that the culture of Scotland had to be changed and radically.
What was it then about the SNP and its history that led it to being so enraptured by a tiny movement promising radical social change and cultural upheaval? And why, after Sturgeon became leader, was the party prepared to endure internal disaffection and a looming electoral disaster, convinced its progressive credentials were indistinguishable from the trans agenda?
There lies a story. It’s a story of slow, steady and secretive subversion that reached deep into the membership and across the entire leadership of the SNP. This subversion on many fronts would prepare the ground for the madness that was to follow.
A madness the party is still struggling to put behind it