Is Conversion Therapy the Biggest Lie Yet Told by the LGBTQ Lobby?
The ban conversion therapy campaign claims to be about allowing young people to "live their own truth", so why is it steeped in deception?
This is a longer and more no holds barred version of a piece I’ve been commissioned by Spiked to write.
The announcement from Anneliese Dodds, Labour’s Equalities and Women’s spokesperson, that she wants to legislate to ban so-called conversion therapy has pitched this poorly understood subject back into the headlines. Rumours that the Conservatives will try to get ahead of the Opposition by bringing forward their own bill means the issue will likely be fiercely argued about right up to the election. And yet the po-faced bleeding-hearts who will make the most noise about it, all quivery-lipped and wet-eyed, will be the least informed and have given it the least thought.

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That’s because they will do what they usually do and recycle the threadbare platitudes of the LGBTQ+ lobby, whose brain child the ban is. That’s right if you know nothing else about the conversion therapy ban just remember it is the latest bright idea of the geniuses who told us gender self-ID was just a way to make it simpler for some nice trans people to change the name on their documents. Only later did it transpire self-ID also meant, among other deplorable things, that if you were an elderly female in a care home who didn’t fancy an intimate wash by a man in a badly fitting wig and a record of violence, you’d be denounced as a Nazi.
Now we are being told by the same goggle-eyed goons a conversion therapy ban is urgently needed because across Britain gays and trans people, as well as such important niche identities as the … aromantics, are being coerced brutally into believing they are not who they say they are. A ban, we’re told, is required to enable people to be their true, authentic selves. Just a shame then this campaign that claims to be about authenticity has been immersed in lies from the start.