Is Labour Crazy Enough?
Labour's landslide is an incredible moment but massive majorities are easy to lose as examples from Attlee to Macron prove. Starmer would be crazy to throw his away on the madcap LGBTQ+ agenda.
First the bad news.
Labour looks set to achieve a record-breaking majority. The exit poll suggests 410 seats; more than the 393 Attlee got in 1945.
This also means some very stupid people are about to be in some very important roles. Take David Lammy who is slated to represent Britain to the world as Foreign Secretary. I can’t help remembering the time he took part in Celebrity Mastermind and promptly proved he was neither.
The audience watched open-mouthed as Lammy suggested the surname of the Nobel prize winning scientists Marie and Pierre Curie was “Antoinette” and that the 9 year old who acceded to the throne on the death of his father Henry VIII was…err…Henry VII.
It wasn’t just the history he got wrong.
Question:. James Gandolfini played a mafia boss called Tony in which TV series?
David Lammy: The Godfather
Question: Which English blue cheese traditionally accompanies port?
David Lammy: Leicester
You wouldn’t even want this guy on your pub quiz team. Never mind representing the country. Yet he cheerfully agreed to go on Mastermind. Who does something like that? A man who thinks men can grow a cervix perhaps?
The good news is that Starmer has already hinted in that subtle way Gordon Brown and Tony Blair perfected that Lammy is for the chop.
Boom boom.
Of course it’s not foreign affairs but in domestic policy that Labour has signalled its greatest ambitions. Since money is in short supply, its race, gender and other social justice priorities that might allow Labour to claim to be making a difference and keep its voters and activists happy. For now.
But that’s a strategy full of risks and here’s why.