The Greens: Too Crazy Even for Humza
The Greens were expelled from government by the SNP for being too bonkers; even for them. They leave behind a trail of lunacy; and not just on gender. It's time to ditch their entire mad agenda.
When the SNP Cabinet brought the power-sharing Agreement with the Scottish Greens to an end, yesterday, I’m reliably informed, there were loud cheers and thumping of fists on the table.
The move is cathartic for a party that has been on the back foot for months and grown increasingly sick of the ideological obsessions of the Greens. These may well be the same obsessions that gripped whatever passes for a soul in its ex-leader Nicola Sturgeon but they are being rapidly consigned to the past by the SNP, a party that’s now desperate to dump the baggage of her era.
How things have changed. When Nicola Sturgeon brought the Greens into government in a power-sharing agreement in August 2021 many assumed it was some sort of diversity scheme to give people with serious behavioural problems the opportunity to integrate at the workplace.
I know we’re not supposed to joke about mental health now and quite right too. On the other hand look where that got us. Three pathological fruitcakes running a country into the ground while barking at the rest of us about pronouns.
There were clues to the psychological state of these players from the start. And I’m not even going to mention that Patrick Harvie, the Greens’ co-leader was the recipient of the 2003 Ian Dunn award, named after a founder of the Paedophile Information Exchange. Except I just did. I can’t help myself. That’s because Dunn was outed as the ultimate Scottish paedo-king in newspaper headlines years before the award was accepted. Quite why the award was ever named after Dunn you’ll have to ask the Scottish LGBTQ+ lobby which is famously rigorous when it comes to child safeguarding. Except when it’s not. Unlike other recipients Harvie didn’t return the award when he was confronted with the link by journalists.
Some people have called this toxic dwarf creepy. That seems unfair to everyday creeps. Is he just thick? Who knows? It’s true that when he and his fellow Green co-leader Lorna Slater joined Nicola Sturgeon on the steps of Bute House (see photo above) the two deadbeats appeared to have trouble coordinating their limbs never mind a department of state. Lorna Slater waved as if an inner voice (one of many no doubt) was reminding her to look human.
She looked like she had been sent on a mission from another planet. In a sense she had. Planet Green where she normally resides is on the outer fringes of our Solar System. One vast peat bog, its inhabitants survive by eating their recycled shit and breathing the farts of beavers. Everyone is dirt poor and deeply unemployed but deliriously happy -or so I’m told- because their lifestyles are carbon neutral. Slater came to Earth determined to turn Scotland into a replica of her home planet. With more rain and lower educational standards.