Sep 14Liked by Malcolm Richard Clark

Bravo! What a brilliant piece of investigative journalism. And well done for watching the Netflix film so we don’t have to. Those fawning fanboys must have some inkling of the dark core of the man, most people who have any interest in politics know about PIE and that letter to the Guardian. So what does that imply?

What this article indirectly illustrates is that PIE and other groups trying to normalise paedophilia, never went away. Now they just cloak themselves in glitter and rainbows.

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I suspect lots of people don't know about the letter. When i mention it in conversation people often think I'm misquoting and are gobsmacked when they read it. Absolutely the PIE lot never went away. Now embedded throughout the LGBTQ+ menagerie.

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Sep 14Liked by Malcolm Richard Clark

Well done Malcolm - what a marathon but well worthwhile. Utterly nauseating and not the least bit surprising. Can you forward to the BBC and the police so they stop presenting him as our leader. Appalling

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It's just incredible isn't it? I thought after the Sambia research nothing could be worse....and yet here we are. He's just so disgusting. I once met him at his flat to discuss a show i was making about gay cops (in 1989 or so). I looked around and thought.....mmmm....you are a deeply strange man. I didn't know the half of it.

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Sep 14Liked by Malcolm Richard Clark

Tatchell makes my skin crawl. The thought of him being a social worker is enough to make me glad he became a professional grifter.

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Hah....god I know. Bet you he specialised in .....child "protection".

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Sep 14Liked by Malcolm Richard Clark

Outstanding investigative work. Absolutely devastating for Tatchell.

While credible doubts have been cast on Gajdusek’s kuru thesis (I know you know all about Gajdusek!), there is no doubt Papua New Guinea has long been a source of brain worms for anthropologists. I wrote a piece (much more boring than yours!) about how Judith Butler did not invent gender ideology in the early 90s, Marilyn Strathern did in 1980. Drawing from her work on women in …. the New Guinea highlands.


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Ahhh fascinating. I came across Strathern when writing this. Butler wrote a foreword to a recent edition of her work, didn't she?

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I don’t know but I would not be at all surprised.

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Sep 14Liked by Malcolm Richard Clark

re the sleeping in cemeteries - Michel Foucault's sexual abuse of young boys in Tunisia was supposed to have taken place on gravestones in a cemetery. Tatchell's travels in the missing years included North Africa as well as Papua New Guinea. Is this another coincidence?

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Funnily enough I was going to reference the Paedo Professor but then thought better of overloading the piece...with paedos. Morocco was notorious in the 1970s (indeed from the 1950s onwards). I suspect with Tatchell there really are no coincidences....

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Sep 14Liked by Malcolm Richard Clark

Okay, I have a question for Peter: Did you meet up with Herdt in New Guinea in the 70s? I know that you're reading this Pete, so fess up.

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Somewhere in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea....there must be someone who remembers a creepy white guy mooching about....

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Sep 14Liked by Malcolm Richard Clark

Thanks once again for doing the legwork on evidence and making connections that would otherwise remain buried. I hope there is a book on the way?

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Thanks Maggie. I keep plotting the book....but the subject keep changing :)

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Sep 14Liked by Malcolm Richard Clark

Bloody hell! I was going to say, how did he expect his lies not to be found out- but it appears there’s only one of you doing the digging.

There is so much of this about- people using lies and obfuscations to justify their arguments- you are proof that in the Information Age, the truth can be dug up.

Upsetting read about the Keraki tribe, thank god that practice is over, though I suspect the trauma carries on through the generations.

My folks lived in Papua New Guinea for years, I’m going to quiz them about this.

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Thanks. The amazing thing about PNG apparently...is the incredible diversity between the tribes. Often completely different rituals and practices (and languages).

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Sep 14Liked by Malcolm Richard Clark

“Published in 1936, his ‘Papuans of the Trans-Fly’ is a detailed study of ……”

You have no idea of the relief I felt when Mr Clark explained that trans-fly was in fact a coastal region in Papua New Guinea

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Hah....yes....no lady penis here!!!

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14Liked by Malcolm Richard Clark

Thanks Malcolm briliant article and I for one am reassured Th4t tH3re'S n0 sUgGeSti0N oR iMpLiCaTi0n 0f aNy wRonG d0iNg 0n TatCh3LL'$ paRt...Tatchell is a narcissist his one man crusading stunts like turning up in Moscow or Zimbabwe and getting beaten by Putin's or Mugabe's thugs gain him attention, give him martyr / victim status. Shame they didn't knock some sense into him. He's never to my mind actually organised people into a group working together for a common purpose. Unlike the LGB Alliance...whose founders (i can't even remember their names) have made organizing and campaigning a priority. Oh and a shout out to James at Human Gay Male again quietly organising social events for gay men.

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Hah cheers. Yes I too am so absolutely convinced that Tatchell's interest in this subject is strictly intellektyooal.

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Sep 14Liked by Malcolm Richard Clark

Wow! Thank god for you Malcolm. Bravo. I wish this could hit the mainstream media. This vile man needs to be outed for what he is. What always surprises me though is why documentary producers don't check their facts. It's utterly frightening. How does Netflix get away with it? I know this is nothing new - history books get stuff wrong too and make bold assumptions to fit their narrative. Is there a way to send this to the high profile gay men that feature in the film? Perhaps they are all in on it. Who knows. It's all mind boggling.

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Thank you! Much appreciated. I suspect a lot of gay men...especially older ones....think ....strict boundaries are too simplistic. They don't realise if you remove strict boundaries ......you remove ALL protections. Remember when Stonewall ran a campaign in which people were encouraged to talk about their memories of being gay ....at 12? Definitely mind boggling. Even as I wrote it I couldn't believe it.

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Sep 14Liked by Malcolm Richard Clark

You are a gender critical Sherlock Holmes, Malcolm. Great piece.

Why can't broadcasters stop inviting him on for interview!!!

Have cross posted.



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Sep 15Liked by Malcolm Richard Clark

Brilliant piece ,Malcolm. Only confirmed the suspicions many people have held about his proclivities for a long time. Not really a surprise !! Well done x

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Sep 14Liked by Malcolm Richard Clark

Interesting as ever. You occupy an evolutionary niche overlapping that of the splendid Sarah Stuart and The Lies They Tell (us.) Thanks, as much to you as to her, for ploughing through this muck. And it's a reminder, all this Tatchelliana, etc., - as if the joy ever much left my mind, - of how wonderful is the love of adult men for other adult men in modern western society; and how entirely unanticipated in history.

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A special moment in history haunted by dangerous fools from the past like Tatchell! x

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Have you seen the UN is pushing forward a motion to decriminalise child porn as long as is ‘consensual’ - an interesting juxtaposition as Scotland has signed up for the UNCRC which means Scottish child law is bunk as an international court holds ultimate power. Interesting to as ‘consent’ is being taught as a principle in Scottish schools from nursery level. Interesting to b/c the UN was moving to decriminalise prostitution ‘as long as consensual ‘ and they didn’t *rule out* that children could consent. The whole thing is an abusers charter dressed up as a pretty package for our children. There are no doubt nefarious political negotiators who have been putting these things in place. PT and his ilk no doubt celebrating ‘the sexual liberation’ of children 😱😱😱😱

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Tatchell has just been interviewed by Andrew Gold on his Heretics CHannel on youtube. Listen to his tone of voice observe his body language when he relates how he's been physically assaulted, threatened. He looks and sounds absolutely delighted with himself. He also reiterates the term 'LGBTQS+' when talking about life in the sixtiesor seventies. Imposing present day notions on the past.

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Watched that interview and as much as I like (and are a paying supporter of Gold) I was infuriated when Tatchell trapped Gold in the beginning by getting him to agree "trans women are trans women". Thereafter Gold was semantically bootstrapped. He couldnt argue from truth based reality that trans women are always men and there is no 3rd sex class.

Once Gold got himself stuck in the stupid corner Tatchell had a field day trotting out all sorts of garbage, such as "female brains". Why are the sexed organs always brains? Does the concept of "female" lungs or liver seem equally ridiculous?

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Gold is not a good interviewer, he never pushes or asks probing questions. Most of his guests are there for him and his echo chamber audience to nod along with. I agree with what he's doing but wish he would push harder and by so doing test his guests' arguments to or beyond breaking point.

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